
Coding Tutoring

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $80.00.

Youws Counselors can help you with your CS related classes, computer science concepts, school assignments, and much more.



“Software is eating the world.” We live in a time when everything is powered by software. When you travel, you rely on software such as Uber and Airbnb; when you are hungry, you use software such as Yelp and Doordash; when you want to have fun, your favorites are software such as TikTok, Youtube or Netflix. You shop with software like Amazon; you talk to your friends using Snapchat; you take classes using Zoom, and you commute using software inside Tesla. The world is your playground if you are good at coding. With the rise of popularity in CS, comes the rise in competition to gain admission into CS programs. We understand that coding is not easy, so we offer a coding tutoring program where Youws Counselors can help you with your CS related classes, computer science concepts, school assignments, and much more.

The rate is hourly rate. It’s a good idea to plan ahead because with the more hours you purchase at a time, you may get a bigger discount. Currently, buying more than 5 hours results in a 5% discount. Buying more than 10 hours results in a 10% discount. Buying more than 20 hours results in a 20% discount.